Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
Hobart - New Chicago, Indiana
lenten season
ordinary time | winter
"Alleluia" by Norah Duncan IV | Gather 328
"Healing River of the Spirit" | Gather 665
familiar tune: "God of Day and God of Darkness" BEACH SPRING
"Kyrie 9" by Jacques Berthier (Taize)
Jeff has composed a series of verses for the Gathering Rite
"Mass of Mercy" by Lori True
Holy - familiar tune: "Sing My Tongue the Savior's Glory" PICARDY
Mystery of Faith - familiar tune: "Sing My Tongue the Savior's Glory"
Amen - familiar tune: "Sing My Tongue the Savior's Glory"
Lamb of God - familiar tune: "Hear Us Almighty God" ATTENDE DOMINE
"Ps. 92: Lord, It Is Good to Give Thanks" by Tony Alonso | Lyric Psalter
"Psalm 107: Give Thanks to the Lord" by Marty Haugen | Lyric Psalter
"Psalm 118: Give Thanks to the Lord" by Marty Haugen | Lyric Psalter
familiar tune: "Psalm 118: Let Us Rejoice," verses are a bit different
"Psalm 47: God Mounts His Throne" by Don Fischel | ILP Music
press the play button on the link underneath "MP3"
ordinary time | spring/summer
easter season
music clips for cantors and choirsters
Below, you'll find links to clips for "new" music we'll be singing.