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We, the parish of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, welcome all, regardless of age, race, or ethnic background.  Continuing in the tradition of spreading the good news of our Catholic faith in Christ, we will carry out the synod process by reconnecting with all our family using social media and extending invitations to strengthen faith, leadership, and creating more activities for youth involvement.


Priority #1: Reconnecting with non-active parishioners (Sacraments, Prayer, & Worship)

      Assumption of the BVM parish has many registered parishioners who do not regularly attend Mass on Sunday.  Reaching out to these people by visitations, sending postcards, and personally inviting them to Mass and other church functions may offer an inviting call to a closer relationship with the rest of their church family.  We also have members of various ministries who do no more than carry out the ministry in which they are involved. Personal invitations by mail, email, or personal conversation, may entice them as well.


Priority #2 Develop an Interactive Website (Evangelization)

      Assumption of the BVM parish has a website that is stagnant. In this computer age, it is necessary to get the word out by way of the internet. Having an interactive website will make the site come alive.  Pictures, videos, and connections to other Catholic websites will help to bring our Catholic Faith to everyone at the click of a button. Members, as well as nonmembers of our church, will be able to read, ask questions, see pictures and videos of all the wonderful things going on in our parish.


Priority #3 Involve Youth More Fully (Youth Formation)

      Very few of the youth at Assumption of the BVM parish, attend Mass or are involved in any other church ministries or activities. When religious education is not in session, our Masses lack participation from our young people.  Forming a youth committee will spark ideas regularly of how to get our children more involved. Since parents play a huge part in whether or not children are involved in church, we believe having parent/child ministries will encourage both to become familiar with the different ministries. We also will have a children’s Mass where the children participate in these ministries by themselves.

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