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  • Writer's pictureRev. Lou Pasala

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time: "We cannot prosper without practicing justice and truth."

Dear friends in Jesus Christ,

Pope John Paul 1: “All the baptized are called to be a missionary. They have to commit themselves whole heartedly to serve the Lord by witnessing” (Encyclical: “The mission of the Redeemer”) God called Amos and sent him to preach to the people of northern kingdom of Israel. He preached boldly the message of God to the king and people (Amos 7: 12-15). The Prophet Amos’ preaching was centered on injustice and infidelity to God’s commands.

Ps 85 speaks of intimate connection between justice and truth on one hand and divine kindness and peace on the other. Without justice, it is hard to understand the kindness of God (Ps 85). This means we cannot prosper without practicing justice and truth.

St. Paul speaks of the unity in Christ through the letter to Ephesians. Both Jews and Gentile are called to be one in Christ and this unity in Christ demands a certain way to Christian living, which is imperative for all to follow. St. Paul clearly tells that everyone is called by God and all are bound to respond to that call (Eph 1:3-4). Jesus called the disciples and taught them that their role would have to be in imitation of his own life servanthood and lowliness. Jesus sent them out to preach for him giving the spiritual power to heal and expel demons and they preached the need of repentance. Jesus called us too. This call should make us humble because it is all God’s work. The call is a gift from God. Let us serve with all our humility.

God bless you and have a blessed Sunday.

Fr. Lou

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