YearA-6 3rd Sunday of Easter 4/26/2020
Dear friends in Jesus Christ,
“Lord Jesus, open the Scriptures to us; make our hearts burn while you speak to us” (Luke 24:32)
In the first reading, Peter tells us that Jesus’ mission is to free us from the power of sin. As a part of God’s plan, Jesus died and rose to new life. It is God’s plan to offer salvation to all people. This salvation is obtained through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
In the gospel reading, we hear the two disciples extended their dinner invitation to Jesus: “stay with us”. Jesus stayed with them and explained the scriptures. They came to know the Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread.
If hearts burn within us in drawing on the Word of God, as we break the Eucharistic bread, the living memorial of his death, He is present to us as well.
The disciples’ mission is to bear witness to Jesus’ mission. We are also called to bear witness to Jesus’ mission at home, at work and at all places.
Opportunities are given to us to bear witness to Jesus’ resurrection. We need to encounter Jesus in the suffering, sick, lonely, depressed and in all the given situations. Let us encounter Jesus in our daily life.
God bless and have a blessed Sunday,
Fr. Lou P